Friday, March 20, 2009

Quick Update

My laptop's power cable is irreparably damaged and I'm on the last 14% of my battery, so this will have to be a quick entry. We're having a blast in New Zealand so far... even if harvest has gotten off to a slow start. The warm weather means that the grapes are staying on the vines, which in turn means that we have no fruit to press, which means that we only worked about 3 days this week :(

Fortunately we've had plenty of time to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, rent bikes in Blenheim and take them on a wine tour in Renwick, and even partake in a welcome-to-harvest BBQ at the intern house where we got to try rabbit, vennison, and goat. I still can't believe I ate rabbit.

Anywho, the computer's about to die so it might be a few days before I blog again. Hopefully we'll be busy with harvest at that point anyway.



Tapia said...

Cheers? Who are you?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you ate goat! How are you boy? I guess this is the only way to communicate with you. When you have time, please find a land line and call home. We can call you back at that number and it's only 8 cents a minute. We went to Mark and Joey's 50th birthday party on Saturday night and so many people were excited to hear what you are doing. I don't think Errol grasped the concept of a wine harvest because he tried to compare it to picking cantaloupes in Yuma. Not even the same. Anyway, we would like to see some pictures of you and your fellow interns and the wine region. So download some when you can.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi my boy--I just found out today that I could communitcate with you this way. Boy how things have change. All is find here but we sure do miss you. Sounds like things are going good over there in New Zealand and the wind harvest. I just had an appraisal done on my house today for my refinance -- hope it goes thru ok.
Write more when you have time and send us some pitcures. Missssssss you so much.



gramdma said...

I understand that mom got to talk to you by phone yesterday. I am really jealous because I did not get to hear your voice. Every once in a while I will call your cell phone so I can listen to you say something. All is well here --just wanted to say hello.

Love -- Grandma

Anonymous said...

Your mom made fun of me because I mispelled wine as wind harvest--sorry for my error I need to spell check better. I miss you when are you going to update your blog so we can see what is happining????

love you--grandma

Chelsie said...

And she misspelled misspelled! And happening! Haha... anyhow, I'll let Grandma know how hard it is to update when you don't have a computer to use, Brandon. Hope we hear from you soon though! Your power cord should be crossing the Pacific anytime now.

brandonwdaniel said...

Michael - Thanks for keeping it real. It's something all the Kiwis say, I'm not turning into some high-falutin' elitist asshole.

Mom - Sad I missed the party, sounds like it was a lot of fun! It's definitely not like Yuma here... I'll have some pics up shortly now that I have a power cord!

Grandma - Your comments are hilarious, please don't stop! I love you and I promise I'll call on my next day off!

Chelsie - Thanks for keeping the family in line with this new-fangled internet. Keep everyone updated for me since I'm sure you'll be the first one to see most of these posts!