Sunday, April 19, 2009

Still Alive

Hi everyone! We've been incredibly busy with harvest... I can only remember one day off in the last three weeks. And every single one of those work days has been at least 12 hours long. Really the only thing of note is that last night we decided to go to the local pub, Paddy Barry's, for some Blenheim nightlife.

I wish I had the mental clarity to write a full-fledged entry right now, but it's already 10PM here and we have to be up again at 6AM. There's no sign of another day off in the next week or so, but our last day of work is going to be May 1st, which is also the day of the end-of-harvest party. After that we have about a week before our flight home to the states, so a trip to Abel Tasman and/or Wellington might be in the works.

Since the last post:

- One of the guys on night crew had his wrist broken by the machine I operate. His jumpsuit got caught on this rolling bar and wound his clothes up until it snapped his wrist. It's easy to forget all the things that can maim or kill you at a winery.
- Had a day off, but it was Easter so everything was closed in town except for McDonald's and the pet store.
- Called home via payphone and got to talk to mom and dad for about 10 whole minutes! I intend to call again, but I can only use the phone two times a day... once in the morning at 6AM New Zealand time, the other at 8:30 at night when I get home (1:30 AM Arizona time). Hang in there, we'll talk soon.
- The owner of the house we are all staying at recently brought in 3 kittens that his mother-in-law found. They are so freaking cute!
- Worked 87.5 hours this past WEEK... already this harvest I've managed to save enough money to pay off my airline tickets and maybe do a small bit of travelling around the country before I go home.

That's about it, folks. Plan on taking my camera to the winery tomorrow, so hopefully I'll maybe... maybe... maybe... upload some pictures sometime before I come home.



Anonymous said...

All is well here today, Sunday, April 19th. Going shopping with mom and chelsie soon to get out in this beautiful wheather. Work is still the same my boss is the same old ugly man he always was never any change there. I am still waiting to hear on the refinance of my house which should go thru either the end of this month or the first part of May. Must to and get ready to go shopping with the girls now ----please send us some pictures of you and the countryside over there in NZ.

I love you, Grandma

Mom said...

Hi Brandon,

I bet you are looking forward to the end of the harvest. It sounds like it has been a lot of work but soon you can enjoy yourself and experience more of New Zealand.

We are really missing you here. It's hard getting use to not being able to just pick up the phone and give you a call.

We are trying to soak up the last little bit of cool weather before the triple digits arrive. I've been busy helping Terry plan her 50th birthday party on May 2nd. It should be a lot fun.

Chelsie and I will be going to Coolidge on Thursday for Marilyn's memorial service. It will be nice to see the Cole side of the family, but it's too bad it has to be under these circumstances.

Please stay safe around the winery. After hearing about your co-worker, I'm really going to worry now. We miss you and love you.


Jared said...

Hello B-Dubs.

Sitting here watching our favorite show, "Deadliest Catch." New season. I also watched the new season of Flight of the Conchords, and I am happy to report that it's just as hilarious as the first season, although, I don't know if the song are as strong as they were in the first season.

Any way, I hope you saw those pictures that I photoshopped you in on. I had this idea about two weeks ago and thought it would be hilarious and it was. However, the funniest part is when Amanda thought you really did come to Arizona for a night. She was mad at us and her and Froilan had a whole argument over it (don't ask).

Glad to see you are doing well. When are you going to be back in America?


Jared said...

Oh, and I'm on Jared's gmail account for some reason, but it's me. MT.

Mom said...

Hi boy,

Your family got the biggest kick out of the pictures of your "surprise visit" home. We especially liked the one of you in my Christmas sweater. Michael's a funny guy!

Love you,

Chelsie said...

Hey Brandon,

I definitely agree with Michael about the second season of Flight of the Conchords. We just got HBO back at the house again over the weekend so I can actually watch them on TV instead of searching for them online... Not much else is new here though. I'm starting a 10 gallon fish aquarium that I'm pretty excited about, but it's still in the pre-fish phase until some beneficial bacteria grows. Anyhow, I bet you're excited to only have a week and a half left of harvest. I'm really excited to hear about your last week where you can actually travel around and see the sights. You better post some pictures then! :) We'll have to wire you some money because Mom and I want some Maori bone jewelry! Haha... Well, it's time for me to do some homework. :( I'll talk to you later!


Anonymous said...

Hey buddy... "We need you. Hell, I need you. I'm a mess without you. I miss you so damn much. I miss being with you, I miss being near you. I miss your laugh. I miss your scent; I miss your musk. When this all gets sorted out, I think you and me should get an apartment together!"

Brian Fantana: "Take it easy, Champ. Why don't you sit this next one out, stop talking for a while."

Haha, well you get the idea. I miss you man and I thought you would enjoy this hilarious quote. Hope you're havin at least a little fun and not workin too hard!

Take her easy,


Mom said...

Brandon Wayne,

Where are our pictures? You've been gone so long that I've forgotten what you look like and I miss your face! Have you made a decision about how long you are going to stay in NZ? If it's much longer, I'm going to have to figure out how to come there for a visit. The only drawback is that it's almost winter.

Please stay safe and watch out for the swine flu. It's made it all the way to New Zealand you know.

Lots of love,

grandma said...

OK my boy--This is a second request from your family--where are the pictures that you promised us one week ago today????????????? I am like mom and do not remember what you look like--have you lost so much weight that we can not see you if you stand sideways? We would also like to know what your future plan is going to be.