Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So... tired.

So we just finished our 9th straight day of 12+hour work (84 hour work week!) and I am absolutely exhausted. Right now I have about 2 hours of free time each day -- and about 30 minutes of that goes towards drinking a celebratory beer after work with the crew. The RDV's are kicking my ass... yes, there are two of them. The big one takes 10-15 bags to "cake up" (each bag ways 55 pounds) and the little one, about 7 -- each bag has to be lifted over my head and into the mixing tubs, so my back is incredibly sore. And all that's not even counting the hoses filled with juice that I have to lug around all over the winery. We're all getting a little tired and sleep-deprived, but the long days seem to be getting easier -- and I feel like I'm getting in shape from all the hard work. So A+, right?

Personally I'm getting a little homesick. And not for Portland. I miss my friends and family... and I'm frequently daydreaming of going home to Arizona once I return to the U.S. I'm really liking not having to live out some terrible desk job and I'd like to give brewing beer a try... I wonder if Four Peaks would take someone with a couple wine harvests under their belt? Even Prescott Brewing Company would be fun for a while. I'd also like to do some electrical work with my dad, and I could at least pick up an extra skill during the tough economic times.

Anywho... we have to wake up in about 6.5 hours for another day of work so I think I'll crash for now. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive and well. And that I still plan on calling home once I get a day off to buy some secret calling card one of the French guys told me about... I just don't know yet whether we'll get a day off in the next two weeks.



Mom said...

Hi Brandon Wayne,

It sounds like the harvest is in full swing now. I've had to resort to reading the "Joel drinks wine" blog to see pictures of the wine harvest in Blenheim. Joel must have been one of your neighbors in Portland because he has an apartment in the NW district. Small world.

I saw a video clip of Nadine being interviewed by a reporter. I loved the accent. Evidently, you can get Mud House wine (for $70 a bottle) if you go to Gordon Ramsey's restaurant in New York. I think I'd rather go to New Zealand for it.

Before you leave you'll have to hike Abel Tasman. I've talked to two people who have been there and they both highly recommend it.

We'll miss you on Easter Sunday. Hope you have some time off soon.


Mom said...

Hi boy,

Check out SNL's Presidential Address on You'll get a kick out of it!

Love you,

Jimmy James said...

Brandon -- You should find a girl and get married in Arizona. I will fly down for the wedding, we will drink endless beer and I will karaoke a Cher song dedicated to you.

That's my dream, in a nutshell.

I hope you're enjoying New Zealand. It can't be worse than Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brandon--I am so sorry I missed your call tonight. I never answer calls that say Unknown Number. Boy did I goof. I get so many of these calls from various firms that want money from me. I called mom after I discovered that I had missed your call and wanted her to feel sorry for me but she did not. From now on until you get back in the states I will answer all calls. Do you not remember that I told you to call me collect so that you do not have to pay for them? Please call me again when you have time. I am glad to hear that you are doing well of working hard over there in NZ. I saw the video of your vineyard and it was very interesting to see where you are working. I hope you get this message on one of your blogs.

I love you and miss you sooooo much,


Grandma said...

Brandon-- I just read what I wrote and saw that I did not proof read it as well as I should have--please forgive this old lady as I am sure not perfect}}}}}}}}}}}}}



Anonymous said...

Really looking forward to seeing you, Brando. It'd be sort of sweet if you came back ripped, like some sort of wine-harvesting Adonis.

Take care!


Chelsie said...

Hey Brandon!

I've been listening to The Decemberists' complete discography over the last couple of days and it really made me miss you! A few times I thought about picking up the phone and calling, and then felt dumb when I realized that I can't. Haha anyway, I've worked out this master plan if you want to move back to Phoenix when you get home... Mom and I are going to invite ourselves up again so we can help you, and then I can visit the vet school at Oregon State and Mom can see Bend. Also, I really want to go to Cannon Beach. Basically I just need a change of scenery, but I'm stuck here until I'm done with school on May 13th. Anyhow, I hope you're getting a little time outside of the harvest to enjoy NZ. Call when you can and hopefully I'll be home this time!


Anonymous said...

OK my boy==It is time for us to sees some photos or else we will think that you are laying on some beach some where just getting suns amd drinking beer or wine

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to sign my name

Love, Grandma

Grandma said...

Why can I not get it to say grandma rather than anonymous